Meet Your Ancestors Photo Research Package

A Picture and a 1000 Words

Breathe life into a photo from your collection with a 1000-word historical sketch about the person or moment depicted based on genealogical and historical research.


Also: See my Photo Restoration Services.

Check out some recent projects:

Mr. Goad sent his photo to Bessie Sutphin

Around 1910, a young man dressed up in his best suit and bowler hat and had his photo taken. He sent it to Miss Bessie Sutphin in East Radford, Virginia...
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Uncle Jim Thornton and his daughters Olivia and Fannie

A Civil War soldier turned single father, James Thornton faced a new battle after his wife died leaving him to raise his two young daughters, Olivia and Fannie, on his own...
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Time Travel Portraits


Step Back in Time
with my
Vintage Photo Makeovers!

Time Travel Photo and Tour Packages

Journey into the past with my unique services that artfully blend vintage photo editing, genealogy, and historical research with creative storytelling. Transform your everyday photos into windows to yesteryear and meet the ancestors who shaped your story.

Are you ready to embark?

Whether you’re seeking a touch of whimsical vintage flair or a deep dive into your family’s legacy, I can create a unique and cherished piece of your personal history.

Choose Your Adventure

Yesterday’s You Photo Package

GLIMPSE YOUR PAST SELF: I will transform your photo to reflect the chosen era and style, from mid-1800s Tintypes to Kodak Brownies of the 1920s...
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Time Tripper Photo Package

TAKE A DAY TRIP TO THE PAST! Imagine yourself as a gold prospector in the Arizona Territory in 1863. How about as a flapper in the Roaring Twenties? Just tell me where and when you want to go and who you envision yourself to be...
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Rewind Time Photo Restoration

Turn back the clock on your damaged or faded photos. I will lovingly restore your cherished memories, erasing the marks of time to revive their original splendor...
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You might also be interested in: Meet Your Ancestors Photo Research Package



Announcing Time Travel Adventures & Genealogy Research Services

Your Guide:
Diana Thornton
Genealogist & Time Traveler

I am excited to announce that I am returning to my “roots” by offering PROFESSIONAL GENEALOGY RESEARCH SERVICES.

I started doing genealogy when I was 9 years old (half a century ago!) when my grandmother showed me some old photos and a family tree. I was hooked. I became my family’s historian and archivist, and went on to attain a Master’s degree in Archaeology.

I love witnessing history through the eyes of my ancestors by unearthing their stories. It’s the same feeling I would get when I found an artifact, knowing I was the first person to touch that object in hundreds of years. When I’m researching, I’m transported back in time. I go so deep down the rabbit hole that a ringing phone is often my only trigger back to the Here-Now.

When the pandemic shut down my business in the music industry, I began seeking a new career. Because I have a lot of skills and can do many things that I love, including my latest project, O Muse! Magazine, I’ve been resisting focusing on one specialty.

So it feels natural to turn to genealogy, my first and most enduring passion, which draws on my experience in photography, publications, graphic design, writing, and even my Master’s degree, to make a living doing what I call time travel.

Every adventure begins with curiosity, a desire to understand, to learn something new, to challenge your beliefs and get to know yourself through your past. It only takes one question to start: If you could go back in time and meet your ancestors, who would you like to meet and what would you ask them?

Everyone’s journey is different. For some, traveling back in time is like climbing a mountain or driving across country on the back roads. Or it could be as simple as seeing your grandfather in your son’s face. For others, it’s like going home by walking on the ground your great great grandfather plowed or sitting in your grandmother’s kitchen.

The quest is also about finding connections and learning about history and other cultures in a way no history book can offer. You’ll meet past and present-day cousins you never knew you had from all corners of the globe.

Whether you’ve been time travelling for years or you’re a novice, I want to lead you on an unforgettable adventure that goes beyond names and dates. Real-life experiences and surprising details about your ancestors are what make the stories you will tell for generations to come.

No matter who or what you seek – the answer to a long-held family secret, the truth about your biological roots, the name of your first immigrant ancestor, or what happened to great uncle Charlie – and however tangled a vine your lineage is, your personal journey through time starts now.

Call 504-312-2354 today for a free consultation.

Time Travel Disclosures and Fine Print:

Unlimited luggage and extra passengers welcome, so invite your children, parents, and grandparents to come along and share the adventure with you.

WARNING: Detours are common and assumptions are often wrong. There is no guarantee that you will end up where you think you’re going or that you will return the same person. Be prepared to encounter unexpected and heartbreaking stories about your family. Intimate discoveries are treated with the utmost discretion.

NOTICE: This mode of spacetime travel requires no vaccinations and is FTA-certified paradox-safe in that it cannot alter the past. However, it will change your knowledge, understanding and perspective of the past, thereby, in effect, changing your past, and has the potential to change the future. Travel at your own risk of learning something extraordinary.

Why are you still reading this? Call me today to plan your adventure.