
Red Tent Events

It’s festival season!

Look for my RED TENT with the “Genealogy and Time Travel” sign. You can’t miss it!

  • Discuss your family history quest
  • Genealogy-themed merchandise
  • Vintage Photo Sessions: Ever wonder what you’d look like in a photo 150 years ago? ️Get a vintage-style portrait mounted on a classic 19th-century-era Cabinet Card for just $38! Prints while you wait! Spots are limited. Reservations accepted, but not required.

Picayune Street Festival

April 6-7, 2024, Picayune, Mississippi

I will be at the corner of West Canal and Rester (next to Gibson House Antiques).

Strawberries and Cream Festival

April 14, 2024, 1-4, Crosby Arboretum, Picayune, Mississippi


I have paused the weekly round table for a while.